Review: R.W. Hampton “Oklahoma... Where The West Remains: A Centennial Journey In Story And Song 1907-2007”

R.W. Hampton is probably the most authentic and talented cowboy country musician in the United States today. So it is really no surprise that Hampton has hit a new career high with the release of "Oklahoma...Where The West Remains: A Centennial Journey In Story And Song 1907-2007."
The key to RW Hampton's amazing success on "Oklahoma... Where The West Remains" lies in his uniquely rich western voice, which is featured in richly textured songs and spoken interludes. Plus, Hampton is truly a cowboy. He's the real deal, and it shows in every lyric on this stellar album.
R.W. Hampton lives and breathes the heritage of the West. Indeed, RW Hampton has created a stunning masterpiece with "Oklahoma... Where The West Remains," and this album is destined to set the standard in cowboy country for many years to come.