Single Review: Whiskey Myers - Lonely East Texas Nights

As a song, "Lonely East Texas Nights" is perfectly suited for country radio. The vibe is relaxed and the music is a nice mix of country and southern rock. Whiskey Myers style is a hybrid that mixes a little Allman Brothers and Led Zeppelin with some Randy Rogers Band and early Pat Green. It's a combination that works.
The boys started the group by writing songs in a rent house in small Elkhart, Texas, but they eventually became a mainstay in the Tyler, Texas area and built up a rabid fan base. The group's modest beginnings have helped craft music that has rich layers of personal experiences which are expressed in the heartfelt vocals and piercing lyrics.
The single "Lonely East Texas Nights" is taken from Whiskey Myers excellent album "Road of Life" which is a must-buy. The track "Kyle Hope" from the album would be a good choice for the next single for the band. "Kyle Hope" offers a cornucopia of sounds that echoes work from artists such as Mellencamp, Tom Cochran and Reckless Kelly. It's a unique and winning track.
For Whiskey Myers, "Lonely East Texas Nights" is the right song at the right time. If "Lonely East Texas Nights" is any indication of the kind of music the band will be producing in the future, we suspect that there will be no more lonely East Texas nights for the boys of Whiskey Myers.